Farewell Chargé d’Affaires U.S. Embassy in Santo Domingo
Our institution is honored to have been the host space for the farewell reception in honor of the Chargé d’Affaires, Robert Thomas, who concludes three years of diplomatic mission in the country and will assume other functions in the Department of State starting in March.
At the event Mr. Thomas celebrated the strength of bilateral relations between the United States and the Dominican Republic and the collaboration on security, trade, education, development, energy, health and much more.
The Instituto Cultural Domínico Americano is proud to be for more than 76 years, that cultural and educational link that strengthens the ties of friendship between the United States and the Dominican Republic.
In the photo, Mr. Robert Thomas is accompanied by, from left to right, Timothy Brown, Acting Public Affairs Counselor at the U.S. Embassy and our board members Ricardo Feris, Leonardo Santoni, Hilda Patricia Polanco, Darío Lama, Lucy Threan, Enrique Fernández Malla and Ramón Sosa.
Sede Principal: Av. Abraham Lincoln 21 Santo Domingo
Santo Domingo Norte
Zona Oriental
San Gerónimo
San Pedro
La Romana
San Francisco
Puerto Plata
La Vega
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