The Lincoln Library (BL) of the Dominican American Cultural Institute (ICDA) has the mission of providing information and documentation services to ICDA teachers, students and employees; and a diverse community of users that for decades has made it their own.
BL has two units located on the main campus of the ICDA: the main reading room located in the cultural complex; and the children’s section located on the premises of the Domínico Americano School (DAS).
It was founded in 1963; and throughout its more than six decades it has been adapting its mission to the demands of its community of internal and external users. In its early days, the bibliographic collection consisted basically of reference books to be consulted by the personnel of the Cultural Department in obtaining information about the United States and works on subjects of American culture that were of interest to the local community.
After being closed for three years, it reopened in 1995 to provide services to the ICDA schools: El Domínico Americano School (DAS), Language School (EDI); Higher Technical School (ETS); and since March 2001, the Dominico Americano University.
In 2018, the BL reopened, under the auspices of the United States Embassy, a completely renovated room following the guidelines of the American Spaces drawn up by the Smithsonian. BL continues to be favored by a diverse population that values its philosophy of service, orientation and openness to the community.
Sede Principal: Av. Abraham Lincoln 21 Santo Domingo
Santo Domingo Norte
Zona Oriental
San Gerónimo
San Pedro
La Romana
San Francisco
Puerto Plata
La Vega
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